3 thoughts on “

  1. Hi Shellie, I just briefly wanted to say how I love your paintings, I’ve admired them from afar for a long time (having discovered them via Clive’s blog) the colours, shapes, titles, ……everything! I’ve never got round to saying it!


  2. Hi Shelly it’s Ginn here, Richard Downes’s wife. I just wondered whether you were exhibiting for h. Art this year? If not then I wondered whether you might like to join me and 2 other artists who teach at Headway (Credenhill) who are exhibiting there? Headway has decided to open its doors to raise awareness. It would be the£27 registration and then 15% commission to Headway. Let me know what you think and I can explain more. 07762112038


  3. I bought the Expulsion (?) from 20/20 in Much Wenlock years and years ago. I love it and look at it often but with no title on it I always saw it as my twins protected by their elder sister. I registered the name only this morning when I found your website and BOOM up it popped.

    Gone are the days when I bought art but I am interested to know roughly how much the tree hugger is because that’s me. And it could be irresistible.


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